In today's world, increasing attention is being paid to oral health, which is understandable given the crucial role that healthy teeth and gums play in overall well-being. One of the most important areas that is becoming more and more recognizable is periodontology. But what really is this field of dentistry and why is it worth paying special attention to?

Periodontology is a field of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing and treating the tissues surrounding the teeth, including the gums and periodontium.
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects all parts of the periodontium and causes largely irreversible damage. Periodontitis usually presents with few or only mild symptoms for many years, which are often not noticed or correctly classified by those affected by the disease. In addition to local damage to the periodontium, periodontitis may also affect the entire body and is associated with a number of systemic diseases. Thanks to increasingly new diagnostic and treatment methods, we are able to detect the disease at a very early stage, as well as minimally invasive treatment and maintaining teeth for a long time. In short, periodontology deals with the health and treatment of the periodontium, which is the foundation for maintaining healthy teeth.

Czym jest periodontologia?

The importance of periodontology for general health

Periodontal health plays a key role in the overall health of the oral cavity and the entire body. Scientific research shows that there is a strong relationship between periodontal health and various systemic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases and many others. Therefore, early detection, prevention and treatment of periodontal disease are extremely important for the patient's overall health.

Who should benefit from a periodontal visit?

A visit to a periodontist is recommended for all patients who experience symptoms of periodontal disease. The most common symptom among patients is bleeding gums, swelling or loose teeth. People at increased risk of periodontal disease, such as smokers, people with a family history of periodontal disease, or people with chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, should consult a periodontist to monitor periodontal health and detect possible problems early.


Examples of periodontal treatments

Zabiegi periodontologiczne są dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb pacjenta i sięgają od niechirurgicznych po chirurgiczne jak np. Scaling, SRP (selektywne oczyszczeni korzeni), kiretaż jak i zabiegi periochirurgiczne np. pokrycie recesji, plastyka tkane miękkich lub/i twardych. Utworzenie indywidualnego planu leczenia dostosowanego do potrzeb pacjenta odbywa się na konsultacji periodontologicznej.

  • lek. dent. Lidia Kittel

    The owner of the Dr Kittel Digital Dentistry & Medicine clinic. A graduate of the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław. He deals with implantology, implant prosthetics, surgery, and advanced CAD/CAM prosthetics. Trainer and lecturer at GC, Stick Tech, opinion leader. Member of PSI and ITI. She was named Coach of the Year in 2007 in Finland.